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Deportation and Removal Defense

Anyone who does not possess United States Citizenship is at risk of being placed into removal and deportation proceedings. There are many reasons why people are placed in removal proceedings. Due to the high complexity of these types of cases and the constant changing immigration laws of the United States, it is extremely importation that an individual obtain experienced and knowledgeable legal representation. If you are facing removal and deportation proceedings, contact our offices immediately to discuss your options with our knowledgeable and experienced attorneys.

During removal proceedings, an Immigration Judge will make a determination of whether or not the individual should be removed from the United States on the grounds of inadmissibility or deportability. The grounds of inadmissibility are enumerated in section 212 of the INA while the grounds of deportability are enumerated under section 237 of the INA.

Removal proceedings can be initiated for a number of different reasons, but the most common situations arise from individuals who have either been arrested or convicted for some committing some sort of crime. Our office has extensive experience in dealing with prior convictions and arrests and also handles post-conviction relief (resolving the underlying conviction) in order to provide options to our clients who make have no other relief available to them.

During removal proceedings, the alien will have the opportunity to appear before the Immigration Court and demonstrate to the Court that they are eligible for some form of relief including but not limited to: Cancelation of Removal, Adjustment of Status, Asylum, Withholding of Removal, Convention Against Torture, Waivers, DACA, DAPA, or Voluntary Departure.

For more information please contact us at (818) 588-6285 or visit our CONTACT US page.